And, Happiness Will Follow...

What is feng Shui?

To me, Feng Shui is magical! I find it an exciting privilege to be able to assist someone in making a quiet, subtle change in their home or business, knowing that at the same time it is making a major impact in their life. Literally, feng shui means “wind-water”. It is the ancient Chinese practice of creating harmony and balance between man and his environment.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Guest Blogger - Kiki Howell, Invite to Online Party

Hi Jill!
Thanks for letting me come on and announce our party! Ha Ha!

Come to an online Feng Shui Cures Party, Monday night, August 17th, 2009 from 7PM to 9PM EDT! Read on to find out how it will work and about the contest and free story available for those who attend!!!!

In 2000, I became a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner. It amazingly changed every aspect of my life, and since doing others homes I have seen it transform others lives as well. Now, I have a friend who is also a Practitioner, and she has become an At Home With Harrah Consultant as well. From Site Description: We are the first party-plan company to offer both jewelry and home decor products based on the design principles of Feng Shui. The primary goals of Feng Shui, and At Home With Harrah, are to create a greater level of prosperity, health, and good fortune. We are the "Mary Kay of Feng Shui."

I know the large role that Feng Shui has played in my life successes with my family and my writing, and I absolutely love Harrah’s Products which are intended to be used as cures for your life aspirations.

So, breaking new ground here, my friend, Jill Grimm has started a Yahoo Group to hold online parties! I am very excited to be hosting the first party there and to have Jill share with everyone a lot of information about Feng Shui as well as all of Harrah’s fantastic products.

This is the way it will work. Become a member at the Yahoo Group [blue button over Jill’s Picture that says JOIN THIS GROUP], and follow the simple instructions. You do have to have a free Yahoo Account, it will ask you to sign in to or sign up for yahoo at that time for those of you unfamiliar with these groups. Show up and log in to the group on Monday, August 17th, 2009 anytime between 7PM and 10PM to read Jill’s posts about Feng Shui and the At Home With Harrah Products, as well as chat with both Jill and I asking any questions you have about Feng Shui or the Products or our experiences with Feng Shui, etc. There will be a link to an online catalog which has zoom capabilities, and several pictures in a photo album on the group. If you wish to look at the catalog before the party, visit and click on the PREVIEW OUR NEW CATALOG link at the top. It is a really great eflip book! Instructions for ordering will be given and the party will remain open to orders through August 24th, 2009, as well.

Jill will be holding a contest for all those who post between 7PM and 10PM. Your name will be put into a hat, and the winner will win a beautiful Wisdom Box, a retired product made by Harrah! The winner will be announced slightly after 10PM on August 17th on the group, and then contacted by Jill for an address to send your prize to. Also, for each new member, I have a free read I am giving away which can be downloaded in the files section of the Yahoo Group once you become a member. It is a short, sweet non-erotic romance story which centers around Feng Shui called, Love and Marriage Cures. I wrote this story specifically for this party and this groups members!

Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, as I know this is a new venture, please email me at howell (dot) kiki (at) gmail (dot) com or Jill at jillsuzanne1111 (at) gmail (dot) com!



Author of Magical Erotic Romances

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Passionate Life

To have passion in one’s life is something I believe very few people ever get to experience. Even more so in regards to one’s vocation. One of my favorite quotes says “Find something you love to do, and then find a way to make money at it—you will never work a day in your life.” I am fortunate enough to have just become one of those few! The art of Feng Shui has beckoned my soul. The thirst for knowledge on this ancient practice cannot be quenched. The amazement I feel at watching the benefits of feng shui transform someone’s life simply leaves me speechless. I welcome you and look forward to sharing my path with you as I journey along in this passionate life.